Are Pomeranian Puppies Easy To Train?

Do Pomeranians bark a lot? 
Do Pomeranians like to cuddle?
Do Pomeranians get aggressive?

Like Humans and Their Race 
It Does not matter if your dog is Big or Small, Black, White, Brown, Husky, Maltese, Pit bull, Labrador, Yorkie, or frenchie its a dog that depends on who the owner is and how the owner trains, raise, or treats them. It might be harder to raise a bigger dog and have to pick up bigger poop! A smaller one has smaller poop that dries faster and easier to pick up! Just depends on on what your wants and needs are!

Do you want one not so delicate so the kids won't hurt it, do you want one that does not have to be let out frequently to pee, do you want a bigger one to intimidate outsiders. Do you want one that won't get hurt easy or choke easy after food is dropped on floor? It's all in your situations, circumstances, and your needs.