Crate For Before All Shots and Pee Pad Training

Prepare yourself! Getting a puppy before having its own space can cause puppy to get sick threw any type of bacteria that can cause illnesses like Parvo! Don't let puppy on grass and other animals!

Here are some of Pomeranian Friends Favorites to make your puppy experience easy! Watching YouTube videos on how to crate train a puppy BEFORE you decide to get a Pomeranian would help as well!

Elevated Water Bottle

Puppy Putting paws in Regular water bowl can drink bacteria.

Double door Cage

Great for pee pad training! It Keeps puppy out of bacteria while all shots are given.

Elevated Dog Bowl

This will help keep puppy clean and bacteria free.

Grate Pee Pad Holder

Tear Free Pee Holder

Avoid Sickness: 

Parvo Kills Puppies Very Quickly!

Black Bloody Stools, and Vomiting can happen after bacteria enters their digestive system! Clean up your puppies poop right away even smelling it can cause Parvo.

Sick Puppy:

Before all 4sets of shots?

Your puppy can still get sick if they don't have ALL sets of shots. Pomeranian Friends offers an in home service to help revive the for a one time small fee!

Puppy Set Up

Great Example

Amazing set up for when your out at work, running Errands, and potty training.

Clean and Healthy <3

and helps against Parvo!